How to centre a left-justified table (or left or right-justify a centred one)
Article contributed by Dave Rado
Word 97
Click anywhere in the table, and on the Table menu select Cell Height
and Width. (Why “Cell
Height and Width”, you may ask?
Good question. Word 2000 is more logical).
Where it says Indent from Left, make sure it's set to 0. Where it says Alignment, set it to Left, Centre, or Right as desired.
Word 2000
Click anywhere in the table, and on the Table menu select Table
Properties. Where it says Indent from Left, make sure it's set to
0. Where it says Alignment, set it to Left, Centre, or Right as
Using VBA
In both versions of Word, the VBA for this is:
With Selection.Tables(1).Rows
.LeftIndent = 0
.Alignment = wdAlignRowCenter
'or set whichever alignment you want
End With