Numbering FAQ
How to remove manually typed numbering from a document
Page Numbering
“Page X of Y” displays or prints as “Page 1 of 1,” “Page 2 of 2” (or “Page 2 of 1”) and so on
How to control the page numbering in a Word document
Why do all the page numbers in my Word 2002 document display as 0?
How to set up a document with front matter numbered separately
I want to include the chapter number
with the page number in the Header – how can I do this?
Or: If a particular section changes, I want to be able to print out just that
section and give it to our employees to replace the old copy with the new
How to achieve continuous page numbering across separate files [Lene Fredborg, 10-Jan-2020: Removed outdated link to]
List Numbering
Methods for restarting list numbering
Customizing your table of contents with switches
Create a numbered list using SEQuence fields
How to insert captions that
include chapter numbers, in documents where some Heading styles are not built-in
For example, if your Appendix Heading styles are not built-in
Creating sequentially numbered documents (such as invoices)
Sequentially numbering multiple copies of single document using a macro
Sequentially numbering multiple copies of single document using a mailmerge
How to create a reverse numbering sequence in Word [Lene Fredborg, 10-Jan-2020: Removed outdated link to]
How to generate a number sequence like Excel uses to number columns
A...Z, AA, AB, AC etc. [Lene Fredborg, 10-Jan-2020: Removed outdated link to]
How to right-align autonumbers in a list created using Format Bullets & Numbering [Lene Fredborg, 10-Jan-2020: Removed outdated link to]
How to display millions in text number format, using CardText or DollarText number formats [Lene Fredborg, 10-Jan-2020: Removed outdated link to]