Word’s Task Panes VBA Reference
By Steve Hudson – Version 1.2 – Published Sept 11, 2004
This reference explains how Task Panes work and, to the best of our ability, shows how to control the Word ones using VBA in Word 2002 and Word 2003.
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Given the large and complex nature of the subject, the article itself has a complex structure. You can save yourself a lot of time by clicking here to look at the Introduction.
WebAuthor's Note: Steve Hudson is a prolific contributor to the Word VBA newsgroups. He is an Australian who sounds a bit like Crocodile Dundee -- you may find his conversation style disconcertingly "direct". If you do, please try to remember that Steve devoted something like a month of full-time effort to making this article available, and that the article contains many thousand dollars worth of intellectual capital from Steve's business.
The HTML code in this article was all written by Microsoft Word 2003. If you don't like it, don't look. If you have the time to sit there and hand-code HTML that is more to your liking, feel free. Send me the result and I might have time to post that instead. If you express a valid point with wit and charm, I am very likely to be contrite and responsive. On the other hand, if you are complaining about our efforts, please take into account that we don't work for Microsoft, and I am a little 'over' people writing to complain about the service we provide for free -- so I may just be downright abusive! It's your dime ... {Grin}
Table of contents
The sound of a dialog not opening
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