How can I sort an array?

Article contributed by Jonathan West



At its simplest, you can use it on a one-dimensional array as follows.

Sub SortTest()
    Dim ss(2) As String
    Dim i As Long

    ss(0) = "orange"
    ss(1) = "apple"
    ss(2) = "banana"
    WordBasic.SortArray ss()

    For i = 0 To 2
        Debug.Print ss(i)
    Next i

End Sub

This sorts the array in ascending alphabetical order

However, you can also sort in descending order, and sort either dimension of a two-dimension array. The full list of the SortArray arguments is as follows

SortArray ArrayName[$]() [, Order] [, From] [, To] [, SortType] [, SortKey]


ArrayName is the name of the array


Order is 0 for ascending (by default), 1 for descending


From is the first element to sort (0 by default)


To is the last element to sort (by default the last element of the array)


SortType determines whether you are sorting rows or columns. 0 (default) for rows, 1 for columns


SortKey is applicable only to two-dimensional arrays, and indicates the row or column used as the sort key. It is 0 by default

Note that, unlike most VBA methods, you don't use named arguments with this command; thus you can have

WordBasic.SortArray MailingList$(), 1, 1, 20, 0, 1

but not

WordBasic.SortArray ArrayName:=MailingList$(), Order:=1, From:=1, To:=20, _
    SortType:=0, SortKey:=1

Also, you cannot miss out arguments if you want to use later ones, thus you
can have

WordBasic.SortArray Test(), 0, 0, 2, 0, 1

but not

WordBasic.SortArray Test(), 0, , , , 1

There is one other limitation of the SortArray command. It will sort an array declared as such, but it will not sort an array that is contained in a Variant. If you create an array like this:

Dim vArray as Variant
vArray = Array("orange", "apple", "banana")

SortArray will not sort it. 

(Also if you do not declare your array at all, it will be treated as a variant and will not be sorted).

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