How to retrieve Word's default Documents path or Pictures path setting
Article contributed by Bill Coan and Dave Rado
You cannot use:
myDocPath = Options.DefaultFilePath (wdDocumentsPath)
to get the default document path, because this returns the current FileOpen path, not the default documents path!!
Instead, use:
Dim myDocPath
As String
myDocPath = Dialogs(wdDialogToolsOptionsFileLocations).Setting
'Add a "\" at the end of the path, unless the setting is
already followed by a "\" -
'which it will be if the setting is set to a root folder
If Not Right$(myDocPath, 1) = "\" Then
myDocPath = myDocPath + "\"
End If
MsgBox myDocPath
Similarly, you cannot use:
myPicPath = Options.DefaultFilePath(wdPicturesPath)
... because if the user has inserted a picture from a different folder, the Default File Path returns that folder rather than the actual setting from the dialog box. Instead, you can use:
myPicPath = .Setting
If Not Right$(myPicPath, 1) = "\"
myPicPath = myPicPath + "\"
End If
MsgBox myPicPath
End With